Posts Tagged ‘fitness’


It’s so gratifying when I see my clients get results. It’s validation – living proof that this stuff (exercise, clean eating) works as long as you’re willing to commit to it and persevere through the “pain”. It’s also a big middle finger to all the haters – those people who think that real people can’t …

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Main Line 5K

I hate running. No, seriously, I HATE running! I know, hate is a pretty strong word but if the word fits… Running, in my opinion at least, is tedious, monotonous and painful. And I don’t like the way it makes my jiggly parts, well – jiggle. In spite of this hate-hate relationship with running I’ve…

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Four years ago I met Wilicious (back then I just called him Will) – a local trainer who was doing in this thing called kettlebells. I’d never hear of them, but Will seemed to know his stuff and the training seemed hard core – right up my alley, so I went to a class and…

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Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness

Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness or DOMS is often heralded as a sign of a “good” workout by many avid exercisers. “I know I’m gonna feel this tomorrow” or “My (fill in your muscle group of choice) hurt for 3 days after that last workout!” DOMS is an addictive state. A badge of honor sought by…

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Push-ups for Charity Final Tally

Our  March 20th Push-ups for Charity event was a huge success. We exceeded our goal by 20% and raised $6,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project. It was a great event for a worthy organization, and we’re looking forward to doing bigger and better things next year. Thanks to all our participants, sponsors and supporters. Check…

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New Year’s shopping list

Ah, January 4th. The first Monday after the New Year. The reset button has been pushed; time to get back to routine. Most people are headed back to work for the first time in a few days, if not weeks.  And let’s not forget the daily workout – a routine that some haven’t engaged in…

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“C” is for cookie

The week before Christmas is a minefield – at least it is for me. Clients give me their home baked goodies (I think they’re trying to get back at me for all the push-ups), while for some reason The Husband buys bags and bags of holiday M & Ms (Apparently this is essential for his…

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Losing it

The heat is on. Only 9 days until Christmas. Your calendar is filled with appointments – holiday parties, end of the year meetings, shopping dates. Surely, there’s no way to fit in a workout during all this madness. Why not just wait until the new year. What are the results if you stop training all…

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Day 15 of the 30 Day Challenge

Day 15  of the 30 Day Holiday Challenge and I haven’t had a meltdown, although I did have pumpkin cake on Sunday night. In spite of the pumpkin cake and my Friday night cheat meal  I’ve had 2 big achievements in the past 15 days: Lost 3 total inches Increased my max rep push-ups by…

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The D word

Back in February I attended the CrossFit Level 1 certification. The first session of the morning was dedicated to nutrition lecture. This was a good thing since I still couldn’t move my arms and legs from the prior day’s brutal training. Our presenter, one of the “master” CrossFit trainers, was clearly chagrined at the prospect…

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