Body Image

What is the “perfect” body?

Between social media and celebrities, people today have pretty skewed notions of what a “perfect” body actually is, so I want to share my thoughts on this today. The Perfect Body is NOT… Ripped and free of fat Flawless in every way Young or youthful The Perfect Body IS… Healthful One that allows you do…

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    Assumptions made about fit people

    I am adamantly against making assumptions about people. Not to say that I never do it, I am human after all, but I try to check myself when I do. You know that there are plenty of assumptions in society made about overweight people — they’re lazy, they don’t care abut themselves, they have health…

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      Moderation = Bull

      Give it up—“Everything in Moderation” is NOT an Effective Weight Loss Method Are you trying to reach your fat loss goal by the maxim, “Everything in moderation?” If so, I’ll bet you a king-size Snickers bar you’ll still be struggling with the same 10, 20, or however-many pounds this time next year. The problem with…

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        Six Steps to Sexy

        Last time we talked about sexiness and how it’s about gaining confidence on the inside and out. It’s not a Photoshopped pin-up figure flaunting a barely there bikini and high heels on the cover of a magazine or a muscular manly man flexing well-greased six-pack abs on the beach. Sexiness is about walking tall, building…

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        This Post is Only for the Sexy People

        Don’t let the media fool you. Sexy is not just an adjective for a lean and mean body dressed to the nines (or in skimpy lingerie from Victoria’s Secret). Sexy is confidence. It’s a woman who knows how to take care of herself even while juggling other roles like mom, wife, girlfriend, friend, employee, employer,…

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        So, you want a fine booty…

        First things first: there’s no such thing as spot reduction. If your booty is bigger than you want it to be, all the leg lifts in the world won’t shrink it. In fact, no exercise regime can out perform a bad diet when it comes to fat loss. So before you start sweating up a…

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        You love your body, but what if you STILL want more?

        Chances are, you’ve seen those articles about loving your body—exactly as it is—no matter what your size or shape. So let’s hear it—have YOU learned to accept yourself, flaws and all? Are you like, “Every one of my butt dimples defines my magnificence!” Or do you affirm, “My muffin top is a direct extension of unstoppable,…

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