4 Exercise Core Circuit

The WOW, or Workout of the Week, is a short workout that you can do on your own as an add-on to your training. These workouts are designed to be mostly equipment free (so you can do them anywhere) and of medium to high intensity. Modify as needed depending on your fitness level and intensity…

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    Why our goals are never realized

    We all have hopes, dreams, and goals that light a fire in us with moments of inspiration. I’ve felt it so many times across areas of my life (powerlifting, business, general fitness to name a few), and I know you have too. I hear this A TON when it comes to fitness goals and people…

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      Quickie Strength Circuit

      During this Strength Circuit you’ll do three rounds of the following: 20/20 Paces Farmer Carry or 20/20 Steps Farmer Marches 10 Push-ups 10 Double Rack Squats 10/10 Suitcase Reverse Lunges Click on the video and get a full explanation of the workout plus a demo of modifications and a full demo. Aaaaand – if you’re…

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        The mindset that gets you results

        I’ve talked to soooo many people over the years who just want the perfect plan. They think if they know exactly what exercises to do and what foods to eat, all of their body/fitness woes will be resolved. But deep down, I think we all know that’s not the truth. So, what should you really…

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          15-Minute Core Circuit

          Work your core with this 15-minute circuit. You’ll do a timed ladder of 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and 60 seconds for each exercise in each pair. 1. Alternating Leg Lower/Archer Rollback 2. Hardstyle Plank/Hollow Hold 3. Hip Drop/Iso Russian Twists Complete the ladder before moving on to the next pair.

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            What is the “perfect” body?

            Between social media and celebrities, people today have pretty skewed notions of what a “perfect” body actually is, so I want to share my thoughts on this today. The Perfect Body is NOT… Ripped and free of fat Flawless in every way Young or youthful The Perfect Body IS… Healthful One that allows you do…

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              Tabata x 3

              The WOW, or Workout of the Week, is a short workout that you can do on your own as an add-on to your training. These workouts are designed to be mostly equipment free (so you can do them anywhere) and of medium to high intensity. Modify as needed depending on your fitness level and intensity…

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                Have you lost your way?

                This is for everyone who’s feeling feeling guilty or lost right now because it’s (unofficially) “summer”, and whatever plans you had for your body on January 1st didn’t to come to be. First, show yourself some grace. Then remember that even fitness pros and athletes lose their way every now and again. We miss workouts.…

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                  Vulnerability is the key to transformation

                  If I had a dollar for every time a prospective client cried during our initial conversation, I’d have a lot of money. These amazing humans who sit down in front of me have often spent years or even decades holding in their pain. Whether it’s their lack of self-confidence, their unhappiness with life situations, or…

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                    Bodyweight Strength Circuit

                    The WOW, or Workout of the Week, is a short workout that you can do on your own as an add-on to your training. These workouts are designed to be mostly equipment free (so you can do them anywhere) and of medium to high intensity. Modify as needed depending on your fitness level and intensity…

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