Posts by michelle
We’re well into winter (even if it doesn’t feel like it some days). It’s still dark first thing in the morning and still cold (and dark) at night, so you might not always feel like getting out (or coming back out) to come to a training session. When I’m feeling the #winterworkoutblahs (I think I…
Read MoreHow a Non-Crunchy, “Fitness Badass” Embraced Her Crunchy Side and Moved a Mountain
Intrigued by that subject line? Well, today I want to tell you about how my business, and more importantly, my life changed two years ago, almost to the day. Performance Fitness has been in our current home for a little over a year and a half. Before moving to Manoa Rd., I rented space for…
Read MoreTop 5 Ways to Cut Calories
Top Five Calorie-Cutting Methods – Elise A. Miller I’m sure you’ve heard by now that the best workout plan in the world will never make up for a crappy diet. You already know you’ll be way better off eating mostly real, whole foods and not packaged junk. If you want to change your body composition,…
Read More8 Days Fitness Challenge – Day 4: The Gun Show
Your mission: Complete eight workouts between December 1st and December 31st. If you’re a Performance Fitness member these eight workouts can be any combination of personal training sessions, group training classes, or a WOW, or one of the 8 Days Challenge Workouts. Not a Performance Fitness member? You can still play along (although not win…
Read More8 Days Fitness Challenge
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of Year! The time between Thanksgiving and the New Year is a special time for so many people. It’s also a stressful time, and getting all the things done can be challenging. So challenging, that when you’re stressed and short on time your workout is the first thing to go.…
Read MoreIt’s Christmas in July!
It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Time for our annual Christmas in July celebration! The Performance Fitness mission continues to be “to empower people to change their lives by helping them change their bodies.” We strive to help you learn how to live a healthy lifestyle in order to make your life better…
Read MoreJuly 4th Workout
STARS & STRIPES: Your at-home workout to celebrate our country’s independence from England! Warmup: Do the following for 5 minutes: March in place – 20 total steps Marching soldiers (add more arm swing) – 20 total reps Walkout pushups – 5 Bodyweight squats – 10 Workout: Descending rep ladder from 10 to 1. Do 10…
Read MoreBig big booty, what you got a big booty (Or an open letter to my butt*)
Last night my 5 ½ year-old son matter of factly said, “You have a big butt”. He did this while walking on my back a-la George Jefferson. Don’t ask. Without missing a beat I replied, “Yes, I know, and I’ve worked really hard for it”. My husband was horrified, and yelled at him. My…
Read MorePull Up Challenge!
Pull Ups are the ultimate exercise in fitness Badassery. They’re key in developing a strong upper body and core. So many of you (us?) want to achieve your first – or 20th – Pull Up, and over the next six weeks we’re going to help you do that. Now, before you stop reading and start…
Read MoreWOW: 4-18-16 – A Lotta Tabata
The WOW, or Workout of the Week, is a short workout that you can do on your own as an add-on to your training. These workouts are designed to be mostly equipment free (so you can do them anywhere) and of medium to high intensity. Modify as needed depending on your fitness level and intensity…
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