Joe S. – Wynnewood, PA
SUCCESS STORY UPDATE: Joe S. is a long-time PFit client (you can check out his previous success story from a few years ago here) who needed to re-commit to his fitness and get his mojo back. He found the inspiration and know-how at Performance Fitness and got the support he needed from our awesome community of Pfitters in our classes. Read it in Joe’s own words below!
“Dear Michelle,
I made a conscious choice at the beginning of this year that I was ready to get serious about improving my health and fitness. There were a few small factors that combined to propel me towards this moment. These included pants in my closet I wouldn’t look at any more, a nagging feeling when I saw my belly in photographs of myself, but most of all, an awareness that I had the power to make the change I wanted in my control, if I would just use it.
The tools and skills that I needed were all acquired from you and Performance Fitness. I’m referring to the nutrition cleanup where I learned how to plan a menu and eat clean. I’m also thinking of how you and the Performance Fitness trainers taught me to use free weights and calisthenics to work out. Finally, I’m thinking about the community of people who come to boot camp and kettlebell classes, all of whom are committed to everyone’s growth and success. I’ve been to gyms where every moment is a silent competition, and the simplest way for me not to lose was just not to engage. Performance Fitness is the opposite of that experience. I never feel self-conscious there, even when I need to modify an exercise that other people can do.
Since February, I have lost 15 pounds and people at work who I never thought would notice are asking me about it. I feel great and have been able to run again, which I previously thought I might have to give up. I’ve got a framework for meals and snacking that I am comfortable inside and not straining against, so I think it’s going to last. Truthfully, it wasn’t very difficult or painful to eat less and exercise more. I just had to be ready to embrace the plan.
I was very fortunate to stumble into Performance Fitness. It’s not hard to imagine the grim, alternate universe where I didn’t improve my diet and exercise. I’m so grateful to you for helping me take the leap!
Sincerely, Joe”