WOW! Are You Ready?

The WOW, or Workout of the Week, is a short workout that you can do on your own as an add-on to your training. These workouts are designed to be mostly equipment free (so you can do them anywhere) and of medium to high intensity. Modify as needed depending on your fitness level and intensity needs.

This week’s workout incorporates conditioning (aka – cardio), bodyweight strength, and core. It’s great to use as a stand-alone quickie workout or as a finisher after a strength workout.

You’ll do the following sequence:

  • 10 swings or Goblet Cleans (each round)
  • 10-8-6-4-4 Chest to Yoga Block Push-ups (you’ll ladder these down each round)
  • 10 Hollow Rocks

You can do Kettlebell Swings for exercise one. If you’re not an expert swinger (ahem) you can do Goblet Cleans instead. And, if you don’t have a kettlebell, pick a conditioning exercise and do it for 30 seconds. You have lots of choices – jumping rope, Medicine Ball Chops, High Knees, Burpees – just pick your favorite.

Next you’ll do 10 Chest to Yoga Block Push-ups. Use a book if you don’t have a yoga block. The idea is that you get full depth on each push-up, so make sure your nipples touch the block or book on each rep. No cheating!

Finally, you’ll do 10 Hollow Rocks.

Repeat the sequence from the top (10 Swings) but do eight push-ups. For round 3 you’ll do six push-ups. The last two rounds have four push-ups each.

Make sure to warm-up before each WOW. Some suggestions are a minute or two of jumping jacks, jogging, or stair walks. Then do two to three minutes of 10 squats, 10 push-ups, 10 half roll backs, and 10 bird dogs. Do the squats and push-ups at an easy-for-you modification.