July 4th Workout
STARS & STRIPES: Your at-home workout to celebrate our country’s independence from England!
Do the following for 5 minutes:
- March in place – 20 total steps
- Marching soldiers (add more arm swing) – 20 total reps
- Walkout pushups – 5
- Bodyweight squats – 10
Descending rep ladder from 10 to 1. Do 10 reps of each exercise, then do 9, then 8. Continue all the way down to 1.
- Star squat jumps
- Push-up rotations (Do a push-up and then rotate into a side plank. Repeat w/ side plank on other side)
- Atomic sit ups (at the very least, lie down on your back and then stand up.)
- Single-leg deadlift (10 each side and so forth. Don’t alternate legs. Do all one side; then the other.)
How quickly can you complete this circuit? Post your time to comments!