Your Best Body Challenge Winners!

We started our Your Best Body Challenge back on May 14th.

That day over 30 participants committed to 8 weeks (and hopefully beyond) of regular exercise and clean eating with the goal of transforming their bodies.

Admittedly some got better results than others. A few participants weren’t able to stick to the program. The majority of those who did stick with the program improved their body composition (weight, inches and body fat), improved their fitness level and learned what it truly means to eat healthy.

We chose 3 grand prize winners and added prizes for improvement in fitness level and most body fat lost.

And the winners are:

Greatest Body Fat Percentage Lost: Dave Mattocks decreased his body fat by 9.45%. Dave will receive a 1 hour Shiatsu Massage from The Nourishing Well.

Fitness Test 2nd Place: Amy Rees – improved her test numbers by 21%. Amy wins a month of unlimited boot camp to help her keep improving on those numbers.

Fitness Test 1st Place: Trish Oneill – committed to exercise and improved her fitness test numbers by 31%. Trish will receive a gift certificate to Dr. Cara Hillwig Chiropractic and Nutrition.

And our big winners are:

YBBC 2nd Runner Up: Natalie Tomasco, an “older adult” challenge member who “exercised harder than [she] ever had before and even liked it a little bit”. Natalie also did boot camp and kettlebells for the first time in her life and lost a total of 16 inches and decreased her body fat by 3.8%. Natalie will get her new muscles worked on by Sally Murphy, owner of Kneady Muscles?.

YBBC 1st Runner Up: Gail Meyer continued to build on her results from the End of Winter Clean Up and regular kettlebell workouts.  She added boot camp to her routine during the challenge, continued to eat clean and lost an additional 15 inches, 8 pounds and decreased her body fat by 5.5%. Gail will receive a gift certificate to Live Well Holistic Health Center and a gift certificate for 2 FREE group kettlebell classes from Performance Fitness.

YBBC Grand Prize Winner: Robin Hartley! The YBBC marked Robin’s return to Performance Fitness. She set out to change her reflection in the mirror, and believe me, she did. Robin lost over 14 pounds, decreased her body fat by 12%,  lost over 10 inches and exchanged her bermuda shorts and t-shirts for short shorts and tank tops. Way to go, Robin!

Her rewards (in addition to her new body) for all of her hard work are gift certificates for 3 classes at Cerca Trova Yoga, a massage from Live Well Holistic Health Center and a $25 gift card to Lucy (go buy some more short shorts, Robin).

Make sure you check back here over the next few weeks to read our grand prize winners’ stories in detail.

Thank you to our sponsors and congratulations to our participants and winners!